
Sola: How the Five Solas Are Still Reforming the Church is unavailable, but you can change that!

Discover why the fundamentals of the Reformation still matter today. Why do people get so excited about a bunch of Latin phrases, that some guys in Europe came up with 500 years ago? Sure, those five Latin phrases have defined Protestantism for those 500 years, but why do they matter today? To my church? For my life? What’s the big deal about all these solas anyway? These ones: • Sola...

body” (see Matt. 26:26; Mark 14:22; Luke 22:19). Disagreement over what Jesus meant when He instituted the Lord’s Supper sent Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, and other Reformers in different directions. The major inflection point, however, the one that we celebrated in 1517 and that continues to separate Protestantism from Roman Catholicism today, is but one word in Latin. The single word that was the driving force of it all was not fide (faith) or gratia (grace), but first and foremost the word sola. Simply
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